Measure once, report everywhere.
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
The European Union has implemented mandatory disclosure sustainability and accountability legislation. Every country who does deals with EU based governments and industries must demonstrate compliance to this reporting directive.
This is a huge opportunity for Australian manufacturers who are on a mission to turn waste through circularity processes into new value products to service sectors that will be impacted:
Textiles and fashion designers
Electronics and car manufacturers
Plastic, glass and packaging producers
Mining operations
Energy and battery suppliers
Water Utilities
Agriculture and food processors
Digital Product Passports
Digital Product Passports (DPP) is a digital identity card for products, components, and materials, which will store relevant information to support products’ sustainability, promote their circularity and strengthen legal compliance.
Recorded product data from across the supply chain including raw material sourcing and manufacturing process is captured on the DPP and digitally shared amongst a number of stakeholders and participants – unlocking benefits, use-cases and value across entire ecosystems.
Datasker is the integration tool that will unlock and securely digitise recorded product data to be captured on a Digital Product Passport.
Datasker Case Study
BlockTexx is leading a global movement towards a circular economy for their customers and production partners, by developing planet-focussed solutions that divert textile waste from landfill and into sustainable products.
The Problem: Textile Waste
Australia is the second highest consumer of textiles per person in the world, after the United States of America. Each Australian consumes an average of 27 kilograms of new clothing per year and disposes an average 23 kilograms of clothing to landfill each year, or 93 per cent of the textile waste we generate.
Second-hand clothing shops help reduce textiles waste to landfill. Australia has 3,000 charity and social enterprise retailers that support 5,000 jobs, 33,000 volunteers, and 10,000 charity collection bins. But more is needed to reduce clothing waste to landfill and the impacts of fast fashion.
Textile recovery supply chains are naturally fragmented; there are a variety of organisations – charity, corporate – that must collaborate extremely efficiently, within a highly regulated environment particularly with end-of-life workwear. The lack of information exchange and interoperability throughout the textile recovery supply chain poses as an opportunity cost as it is difficult to monetise textile waste in the absence of fit-for-purpose new business models.
Australia’s textile recovery ecosystem needs to transition away from twentieth century technology and business models to solve twenty first century problems.
The Solution: Sustainable and Circular Textiles
The solution to the problem of textile waste is not new schemes and consumer restrictions but can be found in effective resource recovery models that create Australian jobs and contributes to modernising its manufacturing industry. Innovation such as transforming waste into new raw materials, tracking and collection systems to understand the scale of textile waste and to identify high value recycling streams, robotic sorting processes that can meet commercial scale needs.
Companies like BlockTexx that provide a double-sided market of supply (waste problem solutions) and demand (recycled materials for sale) will deliver a greater impact environmentally and economically than a linear business model which collects waste and destroys it via incineration, deep burial, and landfill.
BlockTexx and Datasker Partnership
BlockTexx are very aware of the problem of “green washing” within the circular economy and wanted a tool that could integrate seamlessly with its inventory management system that could independently verify its “between the gate” processes and workflows.
BlockTexx knew blockchain technology’s value proposition very well - transparent and trusted data - but they didn’t want to become a blockchain company nor hire expensive blockchain developers who did not understand the nature of their business or the problem they were solving.
So, when BlockTexx heard about Datasker, they became curious and wanted to learn more. As soon as BlockTexx saw Datasker in operation, without hesitation they signed up.
After completing the technical and data integration specifications informed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) “Enhancing traceability and transparency of sustainable value chains in the garment and footwear sector” standards for blockchain technology, and completion of three agile sprints, BlockTexx’s ledgers were deployed to the Hedera Distributed Network Mainnet on 14 February 2024.
At a glance …
BlockTexx engaged Datasker to design and develop six ledgers in the Datasker application to interoperate with its inventory management system.
Datasker utilised the UNECE transparency in textile supply chains standards for blockchain technology to inform the data structure and definitions to future proof BlockTexx’s ledgered event and transaction data for integration into their customer Digital Product Passports.
BlockTexx is the first textile recycler in the world to adopt these standards placing Australia at the forefront of sustainable fashion and textiles, agriculture and manufacturing.
How Datasker is helping BlockTexx’s customers become accountable and transparent in meeting their sustainability commitments.
When BlockTexx integrated Datasker for ledgering its “between the gates” processes and workflows, their customers - textile feedstock providers and wholesale customers of its CellTexx and PolyTexx products - also become beneficiaries of the blockchain technology’s value proposition.
When BlockTexx creates a new customer in its inventory management system, Datasker reads this message and automatically creates a digital wallet with a unique digital address on the Hedera Distributed Network Mainnet.
For every kilogram of textile waste sent by a customer, Datasker will automatically mint 1 token = 1 kilogram of textile waste and this token balance accumulates in the customer’s unique digital wallet providing a real-time audit log - indisputable proof that BlockTexx’s customers are doing what they say they are doing - no more green washing!
This is the same process for BlockTexx’s customer who buy the CellTexx and PolyTexx products which means that these customers can securely share their data with their supply chain to demonstrate compliance to the new regulations associated with recycled materials in products such as textiles and fashion.
Datasker mints and issues a verifiable Datasker Digital Trust Badge in the form of a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) to verify that the brand is a Datasker customer. A “Verified by Datasker” logo is issued and is to be displayed on their website to enable anyone to verify the membership status directly on the ledger. Click here to verify the NFT transfer on-chain.
Via Datasker, BlockTexx mints and issues a verifiable TraceTexx Digital Trust Badge in the form of a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) to verify that the brand is a textile feedstock customer or a wholesale buyer of the CellTexx or PolyTexx. BlockTexx’s “TraceTexx” logo is issued to its customers and is to be displayed on their website to enable anyone to verify the membership status directly on the ledger. Click here to verify the NFT transfer on-chain.
Because of Datasker, BlockTexx’s customers can have the confidence and trust that BlockTexx is also doing what they say they will do - diverting textile waste from landfill and abating carbon emissions for a more sustainable planet!
Unlike other companies who claim to use ledger technologies (try finding their unique digital wallet on chain), we firmly believe that transparency facilitates accountability, so this is why we surface in real time, BlockTexx’s key data metrics directly from the public ledger through APIs and present on their website so anyone can verify their circularity and sustainability actions without impediment.
Hedera Distributed Network has been certified by MIT as the most sustainable blockchain infrastructure compared to other public blockchain technologies.
Set and Forget
We aimed to make BlockTexx’s adoption of blockchain technology and tokenisation as seamless as possible.
Once the ledgers and its data definitions were agreed, the two information systems were integrated through APIs. Rules were established on when Datasker was to fetch the data.
Once set up, then we deployed BlockTexx’s ledgers to Hedera Distributed Network Mainnet. We migrated historical data in the IMS as well.
And that was it - done - Datasker works automatically with no further call on our developers or on BlockTexx’s staff.
Each day, BlockTexx enter data and information into its Inventory Management System (IMS).
Each night, before midnight, Datasker’s APIs fetch data from the IMS as per the rules engine and ledger definitions.
Once the fetching of the data from the IMS is completed (3 minutes) Datasker sends notifications to BlockTexx via email to confirm data has been fetched and ledgered successfully.
The public ledger appends data to BlockTexx’s unique digital wallet as well as their customers’ unique digital wallet each time data is recorded creating an immutable history and audit logs of all transactions e.g. textile feedstock received “goods in”.
BlockTexx have their own dedicated dashboard in the Datasker application that they can securely access through two-factor-authentication. This dashboard also provides a digital registry of their customers and accumulative textile feedstock volumes from the highest performer to the lowest with a link directly to their customers’ digital wallet created on the ledger.
Tell your circularity story!
If you are a manufacturer or producer with a focus on circularity and sustainability, Datasker can help you verify your data and information without disrupting how you conduct your day-to-day business operations just like we have helped BlockTexx.
We believe the transformative change that comes from the adoption of blockchain technology and tokenisation of real-world assets to bring traceability, transparency and auditability to supply chains. We would like to share our years of knowledge and experience so you too can share your circularity story with confidence and trust.